Transfer readable files to my computer (1.5 hrs)
Review of thesis 1st draft (45 min...)
Conversations with Erica & Amanda (1 hr)
Edit photos (4 hrs)
Discovered: One of the biggest things that I discovered recently was the fact that my camera has a very weird image quality setting, which I had to figure out how to deal with... I wrote about this in more detail in my last post, so I'm not going to go into that too much again... I have begun to actually access and edit the images and I am really happy with a few of them.

In the editing process I have also been playing around with different color balances for some of the images. I think that if I am going to project a reel of images I am going to need to pay a lot of attention to the color of the images and their relationships as a set. I also need to figure out what the dimensions of the projection will be so that I make sure I am editing the photos to the right size.
Do: I need to rework my thesis, sooner rather than later so I don't put it off. I also need to start working on a new loop of images for a projection and test that out. I am really excited to meet with Mark or Stephen about gallery space, because I think the site is going to be very important. I want to know where I will be showing sooner rather than later so I can get an idea about the amount of material I am going to need to make and/or reconfigure for the space. LOTS to do!
Yes! Great! Play with how these pieces are going to interact with a space. Meet with Mark and Stephen soon, so you can start experimenting. Do that first- because your space might determine what stays and what goes from the exhibition. Ever seen anything by Cornelia Parker? Her installations are so dynamic- check out how she handles bits of things and turns them into collosal explosions, etc. She is great at negotiating suspension/air space.
ReplyDeleteThose photos are great. Just to reiterate from our meeting- I particularly like the introduction of reflection and bubbles and interaction with light. Can't wait to see more-